The development and future trend of the optical processing technology of vacuum coating machines. The cold processing of optical coating parts in China was very rare during the Republic of China. By the 1950s, the introduction of optical processing technology from the Soviet Union and East German socialist countries was almost a copy Here. Optical cold processing uses loose abrasives for rough grinding, fine grinding, and classical polishing. The processing efficiency is low, and the technical requirements for the operators are high. Each operator has to go through many years of technical post training before he can officially start working.
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Workers with better skills can complete the entire line of work alone, from processing rough to polishing. At this time, optical cold processing mainly relies on the skills and experience of skilled workers to process parts, and the role of process design is not very important in this period. At that time, there was no strict process standard. Usually, only the process size, surface accuracy and appearance requirements are given in the processing requirements, and the processing adjustment parameters may not be clearly specified. The operator can adjust the processing according to each person's personal experience. Just produce parts that meet the requirements of the drawings. Usually every enterprise has a surplus of labor, and the focus on production efficiency is far less than the requirements for political ideas.
With the introduction of spherical milling machines and surface roughing machines, the labor intensity of roughing operators has been relieved, and the processing efficiency of roughing has been greatly improved. Process requirements have also been improved, but due to the lower accuracy of the equipment, there is no change in the requirements of the subsequent process, and the role of process standards has not changed significantly. Afterwards, high-speed polishing of the quasi-spherical center appeared, the production efficiency of optical cold processing was rapidly improved, the division of labor was clearer, and the role of process standards was significantly improved.
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The role of the craftsman is a decisive role in the production process. Standardization of operations has become the main content of the daily work of the enterprise. The "craftsmanship" of the old workers has changed from a dominant role in the past to an auxiliary role. Slogans such as "operating according to standards", "operating according to standards", and "production according to standards" have become the foundation of every modern enterprise's production. The process method, process route, and process standard formulated by the technologist play a pivotal role in the production of the enterprise.