No trash cans, no garbage collection vehicles, no noise, low emissions – the central vacuum system provides a new way to waste disposal.
After the First World War, New York surpassed London to become the world's largest city with more than 5.5 million residents. Although it was already the most modern city at the time, New York still had to process more than 1,000 tons of horse manure per day, not to mention human waste. In 1922, the magazine Science and Invention presented some ideas, including the city's central vacuum system to handle these large amounts of waste.
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This great idea has been verified since 1961. It is a bit premature, but it is not entirely unrealistic, as it was verified in the near future in 1961. In the same year, the hospital in Sweden's Sollefte. installed the first centralized waste treatment system using vacuum technology. Four years later, the first residential waste collection system appeared in Or-Hallonbergen, Sweden. Today, it is estimated that more than 1,000 such systems are used worldwide, and this growth trend has not shown signs of slowing down.
Of course, operating such a waste treatment system requires a unique infrastructure. The vacuum is generated at the central station, where the incoming waste is also collected for further processing. The waste is transported to the central station at an altitude of 70 km/h through an underground pipeline system. The receiving unit is located at the other end of the pipe. Waste is disposed of in these places, similar to being thrown into a bin.
Advantages of centralized waste treatment
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Vacuum technology offers many advantages over conventional waste disposal using plastic buckets and garbage collection vehicles. For example, trucks are no longer needed to collect waste. This eliminates the resulting noise and CO2 emissions and reduces traffic. The central system also significantly improved the energy and ecological footprint.
In addition, the waste disposal station will not be overfilled because the installed sensor will recognize when a certain fill level will be reached. When the fill level is reached, the valve opens and the waste is pumped out. In addition, the entire system is sealed to prevent hygiene problems from the outset.
This aspect is especially important for the commercial kitchen and food industry. Every day, these places accumulate large amounts of organic waste, such as vegetable waste, peels and seeds, or blood and animal waste from meat processing. The use of vacuum allows these waste products to be transported through the piping system to the collection point in a fast and hygienic manner.
Reduce wastewater and improve recycling systems
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This type of waste is usually removed by water in a conventional process. The use of vacuum technology can greatly reduce the amount of wastewater generated in the process while significantly reducing processing costs. It is then possible to make better use of concentrated organic waste, for example by incineration, conversion to biogas or nutrient-rich fertilizer raw materials.
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In addition to industry, the advantages of a central vacuum system are also useful in other areas, especially in residential areas with high population densities and large facilities such as hospitals, airports or shopping centers. They are also key factors in many ambitious urban planning projects, such as in China, the United Arab Emirates, and a large number of European cities. Experts in the field agree that the central vacuum system will play an important role in future waste treatment technologies.